
Sunday 25 September 2011

I'm Back!...And heading to

Hello there my patient readers. 

I'm back..well..I'm sat at my desk typing this and not in 'the chair of doom'! lol. My Love is busy in the kitchen cooking up lovely things for the start of our Two Week Detox. Now please don't roll your eyes as it's not a..survive on a lettuce leaf and water kind of detox. 

Quite simply we have slipped into bad eating habits whilst I've been unwell and are both feeling Yuck because of it. But sometimes you just have to do what you can to get through the day. Today is the start of a two week cleanse of all the bad choices...if that makes sense. 

The detox is simple and will bombard our bodies with goodness so that we'll feel energised and better able to cope with the coming months of hospitals and whatnot. 

Breakfast will be a Green Smoothie. (Had the first one this morning and already had an energy spike! Fab! lol)

Lunch will be a hearty but low fat/low sugar vegetable and legume/pulse based soup. 

Evening meal will be a low fat/low sugar based cooked veggie dish served with steamed veggies. (Tonight we are having Bean stuffed Marrow) 

Snacks throughout  the day are a low fat/low sugar 'thin' soup. 

Drinks are water and herbal teas.

Low Sugar fruits are unlimited for snacking. 

1oz per day of raw walnuts to get EFA's in a pure form. 

So we are not starving ourselves! lol. But we will be eating this way for two weeks. So there will be an abundance of soup recipes being posted and I make no apologies for this because I firmly believe you can never have too many soups recipes! 

Wish us luck? lol 
