
Sunday 11 September 2011

Freesia Surprise

'Resting Up' Play List:   So many hours of IPod shuffle
                                               Hours of Cello classics 
                                               Hours of 'relaxing' Rain CD
                                               Hours and hours and hours....
                                               ...thank goodness for music! lol
The colour of these Freesias are so beautiful...firey but delicate..and they make me smile..
Hello there folks..I'm still on 'rest' (Oh don't for one second think that is Frustrating and down right annoying is the truth!) But I am managing to keep a sunny disposition..honest! lol. 

As for cooking...well..I'm thinking about it a lot. My Love has had to take over the cooking for a little while but hopefully after a docs appt on Wednesday this week I will be off 'resting' and be able to start light duties in there again...Please keep everything crossed for me? And I would to say a lovely thank you to LisainCT for her lovely comment she left for me. 

My lovely sister and my nieces N & L came to visit me on Tuesday and with them they brought me some beautiful Freesias. I absolutely love flowers and even as my niece N started shouting for me to "Close your eyes...Auntie Red...Close your eyes now...Close em!" as soon as she burst through the front door...and was so excited to 'surprise' me with them that she tripped on the carpet and she ended up wacking me with them...they were a very welcome gift and completely stunning. I love the colours in this bunch and to me they look like little flames and as a typical fire sign...they were perfect. And today is Sunday and they still look lovely. 

N helped me cut them and put them in a vase whilst I stayed sat in my chair...which was an interesting We also found that we had a lot of little stalks of Freesia buds so we cut them short and have placed them in a bud vase with the hope that that they will bloom. My Love is doubtful they will but we are all watching them carefully. You never know...right? 

Our little vase of 'Hopeful' buds
So I hope you are well? And thank you for staying with me. I promise as soon as I am able I will be back with you. Believe can't come to 

I will posting a recipe and photos for Crunchy Peanut Butter Cookies either later today or tomorrow as My Love made some for a celebration..on my behalf. And as My Love is blog will be my words but My Loves hard work! lol. 

Hope you are enjoying your weekend? 