
Friday 1 July 2011

Gooseberry and Ginger Chutney

Kitchen Play List:  U2 ~ 18 Singles Album

Mystery Ingredient Challenge Item ~ Gooseberries straight from My Love's garden!
I just had to show you folks, a photo of how lovely these gooseberries looked...before I made them into a brown 'goo'! lol. I was thrilled when My Love gave me this bowl of gooseberries from our fruit garden. We have a few trays of raspberries in the freezer so far,  so this was a lovely surprise. Now, they are way too early to be eaten as a sweet treat...hopefully the next batch that comes through will be made into Gooseberry Ice Cream. So with this being the case My Love suggested a chutney...good idea indeed. In theory! 

I found this recipe as part of a random gooseberry chutney web search. I cannot tell you anything else except...the creator of this recipe is called Jenny. She describes this chutney as a dark and spicy chutney and that is food heaven to My Love so the recipe got printed off and sat in my in-tray until this morning. 

Now, I have made a few chutneys over the years but I have never had one that has made me cry! lol. I have to say as the vinegar is cooking off in this chutney, it is advisable to leave the room. But as I was cooking something else at the same time...I couldn't. Darn it! So be warned if you try this chutney's a little smelly. My Love brought home dark brown sugar instead of light soft brown sugar so mine has turned out a little darker than maybe Jenny's did. Oh well. It's very easy to make...and I got 5 small jars of chutney out of my pound of gooseberries. Jenny advises you to leave it for at least a month before opening so that is exactly what I will do and when we've tried it I will update this posting. She also says that it keeps well for months.

Gooseberry and Ginger Goo...ahem..Chutney! lol
Gooseberry and Ginger Chutney  Makes 6 small jars
(Recipe by Jenny)

1lb gooseberries, topped and tailed
8 oz onions, chopped
1 pint wine vinegar
1 lb soft brown sugar
1 1/2 oz salt
1 tbsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

Gently cook the gooseberries in a little water until they have softened. 

Add the chopped onions and vinegar, cooking for 10 minutes.

Then add all the other ingredients, boiling gently until some of the liquid has evaporated and the mixture has a slightly thick consistency. 

Cool slightly and pot into clean jars with screw top lids. 

A dark, spicy chutney that is perfect with cheese - can be used in a month but keeps for months. 

This recipe can be scaled up to any quantity for fit your preserving pan. You will want to make lots, it's so good. Jenny. 

See you in a month folks with the results! 

UPDATE: 17.8.11 My Love tested the chutney last night and the results were mixed. 
Aroma: Had the same acrid savoury smell that took over the house when I was making it but had mellowed a little. 
Texture: Very runny but that was what I expected given how runny the consistency had been when making it. The gooseberry had been very ripe and juicy. 
Taste: Sweet but with a good acidic bite. 
Overall: Ginger flavour came through and the fruitiness but the gooseberry was a little lost as it had merged with the other flavours. My Love still gave it a 8.5/10 despite the runny texture and is looking forward to trying it in many ways. 

Would I make this chutney again? Probably I'll try and make a Gooseberry Chutney recipe of my own. But I know My Love will enjoy the jars we have until they are finished. lol 