
Monday 4 July 2011

Goo Central 1

Kitchen Play List:  Turbowolf ~ Back in Black
                                      Billy Joel ~ Just The Way You Are
                                      Melissa Etheridge ~ I Will Never Be The Same
                                      Queen ~ We Will Rock You
                                      Shania Twain ~ Ain't No Particular Way
                                      Jennifer Lopez/NaS ~ I'm Gonna Be Alright

I have this evenings meal ready to go, so today I am in the middle of a product line..making pots of Goo for my baby niece L Now I am OK with this job until it comes the time for the blender to go in the bowl of the beautifully cooked just seems so wrong to reduce them to a pile of Goo. But then I think of what good these little pots are doing the little Chicklet and I just get stuck in. lol.

My sister has had some fun moments watching the little ones face as she tucks particular the batch of potato, broccoli, greens and green bean batch. She said the nappies have been something to

So far the batches have been Potato & Sweet Potato...Potato, Broccoli, Green Beans & Greens..Onion Squash which was naturally so sweet L devoured it. Think she's going to have her parents sweet tooth. lol.

On todays menu are Potato & Beetroot...Potato & Butternut...Courgette & Carrot...Plain Butternut...Carrot & Butternut. I'm a Goo making machine...and I have very purple beetroot.

A small part of the Goo Production Line...from the back left: Plain Butternut Pots, Courgette & Carrot Pots, Carrot & Butternut Pots, Potato & Butternut Pots. In front and looking darkly purple and lethal..Potato & Beetroot Pots.
I keep it all very simple...I have steamed the butternut, carrot and courgette. The potatoes and beets are baked in the oven hence the purple fingers from skinning them after wards. The potatoes come out fluffy and I get to nibble on the baked skins...guilty secret! lol. Then I blend or mash them until they are smooth Goo. Then when my sister uses them she can adjust the texture with breast milk or water if they are a little too thick.  Job done.

Enjoy Chicklet!
Auntie ~R~