
Friday 29 July 2011

Busy busy...

Found this and thought it summed up my week so far...and the weekend to come! lol
I have had a difficult week and I can only hope it gets Today we are food shopping as soon as My Love comes home from work..we have a very busy day tomorrow. My sister and her little ones are coming for lunch and playtime and my Mum is bringing our other nephew J to visit too. So we are planning on making Jam Tarts, homemade muffin pizzas and at J's request Strawberry & Choc Chip Ice Cream. My sister has requested Sweet Potato Chilli so that's what we shall be cooking for lunch. It will be chaos and utter madness but I can't wait...I love having the house full...and it's rare to get time with both my sister and my Mum.

Then in the evening we have pals S&S coming for dinner and a it's homemade Gluten Free pizza and then dessert of either Blackberry Ice Cream or Vanilla Sugar Berry Bowl over vanilla ice cream. Depends on how much time we have left lol. 

Then Sunday we will And My Love will probably go hide in the So I shall be back with recipe blogs from I just wanted to make you smile...

Hope you all have a great weekend folks.....
