
Sunday 5 June 2011

A perfect Sunday Brunch - Omelette with Broc/Garlic & Chorizo Sausage

Kitchen Play List: BBC Radio 2 ~ Steve Wright's Sunday Love Songs

We enjoyed our brunch so much last weekend that we decided to do it again this weekend. I have to confess that I was woken up by My Love who was asking me to come down and cook the omelettes...My Love had gotten up early and done all the rest..and cooking omelettes has been known to make My Love start pulling out hair! lol. Can't do the flipping lol. So I sleepily came down to the kitchen and made the lovely yellow clouds...and flipped them perfectly! lol. 

Today we had a filling of Brocolli & Garlic..which is brocolli that is chopped down (ususally in a processor...less mess...and much quicker!) then some sliced garlic is sauted in olive oil until golden and then the brocolli is tossed in and it's cooked, with the lid on, for 15 mins. Then we have ready a Vegan Chorizo sausage, which I make in huge batches and put them in the freezer, that gets chopped up and added to the pan. Once it is all heated through and the omelettes are all gets plated up. 

Susan V's Omelette with Broc/Garlic and Chorizo filling. A freshly perked mug of decaf coffee and a glass of freshly juiced Apple & Elderflower. 
The omelette is the same recipe as last weekend, the wonderful omelette from And here is the direct link to the recipe.

The filling is adapted from a pasta dish I make...and I love brocolli and could eat it with every meal. lol. The chorizo sausage recipe is from Isa Chandra Moskowitz's wonderful Vegan Brunch.

I've made two of the sausages from her Brunch book...the Chorizo and the Italian feast...both delicious in flavour. But as a life long veggie and now vegan I didn't like the texture of them when made with the Vital Gluten which is also a pain to buy in this country! (I did track some down online but had to buy so much of it...crazy!) So I remade them using just wholemeal flour and found the texture much better. I've never eaten meat and the times I 'had' to try it the chewy texture made me I'll stay with the flour and less chewiness. I make huge batches and freeze them so we always have them on hand. And I do make some V/Gluten ones for my occassional meat eating Love. I recently tracked down some unsour dried cherries so I will be trying the Cherry/Sage Sausages from the same book soon.

Broc & Garlic Chorizo filling cooking away nicely!  
Chorizo Sausages
(Recipe from Vegan Brunch/Moslowitz)

1/2 cup cooked pinto beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup of veggie stock
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp tomato paste
2 tsp lemon zest
2 garlic cloves, grated
1 1/4 cups vital wheat gluten (or whlml flour)
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1 tbsp smoked paprika
1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1 tbsp dried sage
1 tsp dried oregano
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

Before mixing your ingredients, get your steaming apparatus ready and bring to a full boil. The rest of the recipe comes together very quickly.

Have ready four sheets of tinfoil. In a large bowl, mash the beans until no whole ones are left. Throw all the other ingredients together in the order listed and mix with a fork. Divide the dough into four even parts. Place one part of dough into a tinfoil sheet and mold into about a 5" log. Wrap the dough in the tinfoil and twist closed each end. Don't worry too much about shaping it as it snaps into shape while it's steaming. 

Place the wrapped dough in the steamer and steam for 40 minutes. That's it. You can unwrap and enjoy immediately or refrigerate until ready to use. Or freeze!

I had intended to have no toast with mine today but we found a wheat & white blended loaf that was really tasty and I caved! lol. So this delicious omelette was served with a lovely slice.

A close up of the delish brunch fare....can you smell the garlic? lol
So once again thanks go to Susan V for the omelette recipe and to Isa for the sausage recipe but special thanks goes to My Love for getting up early to make 90% of this brunch for us!

