
Saturday 18 June 2011

Natures Path Maple Syrup and Hazelnut Harmony Breakfast

Kitchen Play List:  BBC Radio 2 and lots of yawns lol.

Oh if only this photo could've done this lovely cereal justice. But as I had 5 minutes to take this photo and write this blog...I don't think I did that bad. lol. 

I struggle with cereals because usually after eating them I feel bloated. I have never been a Frosties or Sugar Puff breakfast cereal person...all that sugar every day...goodness me. I've always had All Bran, Puffed Wheat (which I love enough to eat dry as a snack! lol), Shredded Wheat and Weetabix. I usually through the winter,  have porridge made with water and sliced banana and cinnamon. But as soon as the weather warms up I can't eat the stuff anymore. And muesli has never been's one of those things I want to love but sadly...I just don't. 

Breakfast is always a minefield for me so having the green smoothies during the week have been a blessing for the Green Smoothie Sundays we have a cooked brunch style breakfast so Saturday was the only day where breakfast was the cause of much...Arghhhhing. We needed something quick and easy as it's the day when we have my sister and the little ones over. 

My Natural Health magazine turned up with a 'free' sachet of breakfast cereal..which are usually muesli or a porridge and I tore it off and put it to one side..until I threw it away. Then I read my magazine and found this advertisement for this new Flax Seed Flake cereal...and thought..."Ooooh that looks lovely! I'd like to try that..." Finished reading my magazine and then went about my business. I told My Love about the cereal later that day and we agreed to look out for it. I was sat at my desk the next day, blogging away and the 'throw away' package caught my eye. I broke out into a smile and fetched a bowl and some very chilled soya milk from the kitchen and ripped open the packet. The heady aroma of Maple Syrup and Hazelnuts made me feel giddy. It was so good. And every mouthful was a delight. The Flax seed flakes work really well. I also didn't feel bloated afterwards..bonus!

I only wish I could provide smelly vision for you so you could enjoy the aroma as I am, whilst I'm sat enjoying my 'quick' Saturday morning breakfast and typing this blog. 

I hope you try them..We found them in Tescos and were £2 a box. But as I will only be having them once a week it works out quite reasonable. 

OK I have a kitchen play date with the little ones....Have a good weekend all!