
Monday 23 May 2011

Rocket and Roses Pesto Couscous with jumbo chickpeas and cherry tomatoes

Kitchen Play List:  Guns and Roses Greatest Hits Album

It's May right? Well you wouldn't know it Outside my workroom the sky is covered in clouds, wind is blowing a gale and I am actually quite chilly! We've had a busy weekend helping good pals move houses. Poor things were so stressed out and tired that when we left at 11 last night, we felt guilty leaving, knowing how much they still had to do in such a short time. So with our weekend full I hadn't had my usual time to prepare for the week (meaning salad box making and soup for lunch today) And as I had so much paperwork to do this morning I didn't have the time to catch up either. 

So with tiredness and the lack of sun, I really craved something comforting for my I gave into it.  I opened the fridge and looked at what I had in. The first thing to catch my eye was a little pot of leftover homemade Pesto from Saturday...good start..then another pot that held 6 ripe little cherry tomatoes. I then went to my stocks and literally a bag of couscous fell into my hands as I opened I took that as a sign! lol. This was all looking good..and then I remembered I had a tin of Jumbo chickpeas left in the other cupboard. And it came together as simple as 

I can report back that the couscous was delicious and all four ingredients worked so well together. So comforting...and guess what? The sun has just come out and is shining so brightly through my's almost blinding! lol Nice..

A little bowl of happiness and comfort!
Rocket and Roses Pesto Couscous with jumbo chickpeas & cherry tomatoes  Makes 4 servings
(Original recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen)

7oz cous cous (although I think bulgar would work too. And quinoa for the Gluten Free folks out there!)
10 fl oz hot veggie stock
2 dsp pesto,
1 14oz tin of jumbo chickpeas, rinsed and drained
6 ripe cherry tomatoes, rinsed

In a large bowl combine the couscous with the veggie stock, stir well and then cover with cling film. Leave to 'cook' for 10-15 minutes. 

Heat the chickpeas and have them drained ready to add to the couscous. 

Chop the cherry tomatoes into eighths. 

When the couscous is ready, remove the cling film and fluff it up with a fork. Then spoon the pesto in and stir through. Then toss the chickpeas and tomatoes in and fluff them into the couscous. 

Season with salt and pepper if you choose. 

Serve and enjoy! I did! lol 
