
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Rocket and Roses Dragon Fruit, Pear & Coconut Sorbet Ice Lollies

Kitchen Play List:  No Doubt ~ Hey Baby
                                     Xtina ~ Candy Man
                                     Gwen Stefani ~ Holaback Grrl
                                      Rolling Stones ~ Brown Sugar
                                      Xtina ~ Dirty

Oh my goodness...were these ices a bitch to get out of the lolly moulds? It took both my Mum and I to persuade them out. Helped along by hot water soaks, cold water rinses and a lot of begging and then swearing! lol

But please don't be put off the recipe by the previous statement. It was in fact down to the lolly moulds I used. They have very short sticks that simply lifted out when pulled so My Love has decided to drill some holes in them for the next use for the fillings to freeze together...Good idea no? lol. Just wished we'd thought of that before! As they were only 99p a set I suppose I couldn't really expect more.

The inspiration came from a piece of research that I read on Dragon Fruits and the suggested pairing of fruits. Pear and lime were high on the list and I had both available and something always makes me think 'coconut' when I use lime. lol. So that was that. lol. 

So these ices may not look their best but they had been subjected to many implements of torture lol. (And the old camera was not co-operating at all! Urgh!) But what they lacked in presentation this time...they sure made up for in taste. The dragon fruit and pear go perfectly together and the lime and coconut give them a refreshing after taste. I used half fat coconut milk this time so the texture was more sorbet than I expected but both my Mum and I agreed that was a bonus. It kept with the refreshing aspect to them. The sweetener in the recipe is Agave Nectar to keep the GI's down. I was advised to put twice the sweetener in a recipe as they lose a lot of sweetness during the freezing process. I did and we both agreed that they weren't sweet at all. More of a hint of I guess the advice was right. lol.

OK you can laugh at them...they can take it! Rocket and Roses Dragon Fruit, Pear & Coconut Sorbet Lollies.
Rocket and Roses Dragon Fruit, Pear & Coconut Sorbet Lollies
(Original recipe from the Rocket and Roses Vegan Kitchen)  Makes 12 lollies/ices.

1 med/large dragon fruit, halved
2 dessert pears, peeled and cored
Juice of 1 lime
1 cup/8fl oz coconut milk 
4 tbsp Agave Nectar or sweetener of choice

Spoon the flesh out of the dragon fruit into a blender followed by the remaining ingredients. Blitz until almost smooth. Your mixture should be just 'off white' with the seeds of the dragon fruit through out. Pour into ice lolly moulds and put the sticks into them and seal. Place in the freezer until frozen then enjoy. 

NB bring them out of the freezer to stand for 5 minutes before you want them to help with easing them out of the mould. Good luck and I hope you enjoy them as much as we have....~Red~