
Saturday 16 April 2011

What a fab surprise...My red gerberra birthday cake!!!

D's splendid work of art! 

I have been enjoying a lovely day with my friends...a belated Birthday celebration and I have looked forward to seeing them all and having fun. It's been a beautiful day outside and I feel truly blessed to have such good friends. I made 13 salads for the buffet and experimented with Gluten Free pizzas and have drunken (with help from friends) many bottles of fizz...white, pink and martini...but the most special moment for me has been the lovely surprise from my pal D...who baked and beautifully decorated a birthday cake for me. A red gerberra cake at that! Perfect...and I can report that it tasted as good as it looked. So thank you made my day!

So I just wanted to share this with you whilst they are all throwing themselves about playing on the Wii! lol. I really do hope your Saturday has been as good as mine?

With candles! 

Once again...thank you D & B...and everyone else who came today!