
Sunday 10 April 2011

Weekend Of Flowers

I have been gifted with flowers this weekend and I wanted to share the beauty of them with you. First I was greeted by my little nephew M carrying a bunch of Daffodils and given a long hug and then before I could look at them properly my little niece N followed into my workroom with another bunch and soon my desk was covered in the vibrant yellow flowers and I was covered with hugs from the little ones. It's always good to see my sister, and the little ones are always so full of love and's good for a persons soul. It was a fab surprise and I really felt truly blessed to have them in my life. 

So a big thank you to my sister, M and N for a lovely surprise. And thanks to L for the hugs and smiles.

A very lucky Auntie indeed! lol 

Today I have been in the kitchen for a few hours whilst My Love has been in the garden. But as usual there is always the odd ingredient that I need or I think up a new recipe to go with the meal and I have to ask for an emergency shop visit. Good job we live near a supermarket,eh? lol. And today when My Love came back with the peppers, I was given two lovely bunches of Gerberras that were on I had a lovely surprise and it didn't cost a fortune! Bonus! Gerberras are my favourite flower now by far. And if you read my blog about the gerberra plant that My Love gave me, you will know why! So I won't go on about it again. lol. And I can report the plant is thriving well and has new buds coming into flower!

Thank you My Love x

Flowers are always gratefully received in this house. They can make me smile and cheer me up. Wouldn't be good if every problem in life was solved that easily? Ah well, I just wanted to share the happiness with you...

Truly beautiful!
Happiness in a vase! lol