
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Mango Pomegranate and Coconut Ice Cream

Kitchen Play List:        Sara Sant'Ambrogio ~ Vocalise 

Buried in the fresh produce aisle of our supermarket is where you will find me with a smile on my face. And this weekend was no exception...I walked around and took in the sight of fresh vegetables and plentiful fruits. In one corner there was a box of ripe Pomegranates that were looking like they had seen better days but I knew the fruit inside would still be plump and bursting with flavour so I chose the best one and picked out a Mango to go with it. 

I found this recipe during one of my cruising afternoons on the many websites and blogs I follow. I printed it off and forgot to make a note of where I found it so I can't give credit where it's due. But to whomever it does belong...thank you! 

The result is a fresh and fruity ice cream/sorbet. It really is a mix of the two textures and My Love gave it a 9.5 so it looks like I'll be making this again. lol  

Mango Pomegranate and Coconut Ice Cream
(Recipe found online...)

1 Pomegranate
1 Mango
1/2 cup of sugar ( 1/3 cup Agave Nectar)
1 can coconut milk 
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Peel the Pomegranate and remove the seeds. Place them into a blender and blend until they are a puree. Pour it into a bowl for a moment. 

Slice the Mango down by the stone and cut the flesh away from the skin and place into the blender and blend until its a puree. 

Pour the Pomegranate puree into the Mango along with the sugar and vanilla. Pour half of the can of coconut milk into the blender and then blend it all together until the sugar has dissolved. Pour in the remaining coconut milk and blend until it thoroughly combined and frothy. 

Place into the fridge for 30 minutes to chill. Then pour into a prepared ice cream machine and churn for 20 minutes. Transfer to a freezable container and freeze. 

If solid when you come to use it..leave it on a work surface for 10 minutes at room temperature.    

Serve  with pomegranate seeds as a garnish. 
