
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Rocket and Roses Avocado Dressing

I eat a large salad every lunch time, come rain or shine..and no, I don't get bored with it because I have a topping with it. And that holds plenty of variety. Today I made up a dressing when I realised that the pate topping I had planned to have wouldn't be cooled or set in time. 

I am a recent convert to  the Avocado  love and I confess it's still a battle of mind over matter. Mushed up in something and I can manage. Nowhere near eating slices of it and going, "Yum!", for all to hear. I know it's good for me, in moderation. So I've been experimenting with it in the guise of good old Guacamole. So this is how I ended up with this dressing. The ingredients are things I would always have hanging around.

The result was a smooth, creamy, zesty fresh salad dressing. Not once did I think, "Oh!", as I have been known to with Guacamole. Lol. I am fortunate to have a little mini blender but you could just throw it all in a regular blender but be prepared to keep getting in there with a little spatula.  And it really does need blending to achieve the creamy lightness.

Avocado Dressing Serves 1 -2
(original recipe from the Rocket&RosesVeganKitchen)

1 very small avocado, peeled and roughly chopped
1 reg tomato, chopped 
2 spring onions, peeled and roughly chopped
1 small clove of garlic, roughly chopped
Juice of a small lemon
1 1/2 tsp of Rotino Healthier Cooking Oil (or olive)
1 pinch of Cayenne pepper

Optional - salt to season. (I don't add any but the choice is yours)

Put all the ingredients into your blender and blitz until smooth. Be patient. Its worth all the spatula work. 

Enjoy, Red