
Monday 31 December 2012

From All At Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen.....

Whether you are celebrating the coming 2013 or not..we wish you all fun, love and happiness this New Years Eve...and good health and peace for the coming year ahead.

I will be back in the new year with a blog that is more food focused again however the music, art and thoughts shall still make appearances. Look forward to hearing from you...

Stay safe out there...and thanks for stopping by...


NB: Image is not mine and I take no credit for its creation whatsoever. Found online but thank you to whoever did. ~R~

Friday 28 December 2012

Vegan Purple Kale Quiche with Toasted Oat~Sesame Crust

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Meredith Brooks ~ I Said It
Newton Faulkner ~ Teardrop
Selena ~ Techno Cumbia
Janet Jackson ~ Empty
Alison Moyet ~ Je Crois Entendre Encore
Diana Krall ~ Stop This World
Halestorm ~ Show Me
Rod Stewart ~ All For Love
Jennifer Lopez ~ Let's Get Loud
Beth Hart ~ Hold Me Through The Night
Nerina Pallot ~ My Last Tango
The Gossip ~ Keeping You Alive
Wolfmother ~ 10,000 Feet
Norah Jones ~ Turn Me On

I love cruising my fellow vegan (and some non-vegan) bloggers sites and finding recipes that I am desperate to try out for myself. This is exactly how this quiche came about...Emily Segal @ posted this recipe and the photos were soon all over Pinterest. I saw the photo and like many others were drawn in. I printed the recipe off from her site and then added it to the be made when well! That pile is

Vegan Purple Kale Quiche with Toasted Oat and Sesame Crust.
All the work is ML's on this one, cooking and photo taking.
Thanks ML..great job.
ML is home for the holiday period and as I've been really unwell and not thriving on the usual ready made bought in food...offered to cook real food for me. This started off with Susan V's Thanksgiving Loaf for Christmas. Then when the next recipe was required I just had to ask for this quiche. Had...too!

Now Emily's version calls for Swiss Chard...and we didn't have any but we did have a splendid bunch of bright purple kale. And it's my own fault because I didn't say it..but I had intended on subbing the wholewheat flour out for Buckwheat to make it GF. However...ML didn't know this and made it as instructed.

Now this smelt like heaven as it baked in the oven. The earthiness of the pastry, the spices from the filling combined to make one mouthwatering prospect for dinner yesterday evening. For the recipe please visit Emily's page... Although she confesses that the recipe is adapted from one she found elsewhere also..

I enjoyed every mouthful of this quiche. From the delicious spicy crust and earthy filling....ML served my slice with a selection of steamed veggies...and I was in food heaven. And I felt so much better after eating this dinner compared to recent meals. I hope we can keep this up and I can find the energy to get back in the kitchen very soon.

I can't urge you enough to try this quiche for yourself. It's a slice of heaven....

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Friday is a great one...


Thursday 27 December 2012

Tattoo Love: A guitar, pocket watch and some roses..

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Ultra Nate ~ Found A Cure
Colbie Cailat ~ The Little Things
The Cranberries ~ Put Me Down
Beth Rowley ~ So Sublime
Chris Cornell ~ Pillow of your Bones
Wolfmother ~ White Unicorn
Alanis Morrisette ~ You Learn
Tina Dico ~ Magic
Paul Weller ~ Pink on White Wall
Nickelback ~ Fight For All The Wrong Reasons
Ricky Martin ~ Livin' La Vida Loca
Nickelback ~ Money Bought
Doris Day ~ Love Me or Leave Me
Chris Cornell ~ Time

To me, tattoos are pieces of art and I have a great passion for them. And a huge amount of respect for the artists who design and create them. I don't have a specific favourite type but I really like ones that have a special meaning to them. I love to travel people's bodies..admiring their tattoos and hearing the stories behind each one of them. Some of the time the stories bring a tear to the eye...such beautiful art symbolising such sad stories. Others have made me smile and even laugh....I truly believe that tattoos are not only a form of artwork but they help keep a person's individuality in a world that is constantly wanting us to be the same...the clone effect. Ack! What a thought, eh? Those of us with tattoos are telling a story of our lives with our body artwork.

I would have many more tattoos if I wasn't so ill and it is my dream to be well enough again one day to have a few more. I found the tattoo design below recently...and I fell completely and hopelessly in smit with it. I love roses and guitars and the combination of the two...with a message that is engraved on my heart...well it's been filed under...Future Tattoo. I need this one.

Image is not my own and therefore I take no credit for its creation.
But thanks are sent out to whoever Rocks!
Beautiful, isn't it? I like the simple lines and the detailing. To me it's a near perfect design and hope with all my heart that one day I shall wear it proudly on my body. Not sure where yet though...

I also have a passion for pocket the regular readers will So when I found a similar design to the one above I was bowled over. So that was another one added to Future

Image is not mine and therefore I take no credit for its creation
(Sorry about the fuzz..yes its the image and not your
I would most definitely have them done in the black/grey/white I feel using colour in them...they would lose something in their haunting beauty. I feel like they are 'ghosts'....

I hope you have had a splendid few days whether you were taking part in the celebrations or We kicked back and enjoyed simple foods cooked by ML and enjoyed watching movies and quietness.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your Thursday is being very good to you...


Monday 24 December 2012

Seasons Greetings and Holidays Dishes...

Rocket & Roses HQ Play List:

Halestorm ~ Rock Show
Pat Benetar ~ Love is a Battlefield
Marc Almond ~ Say Hello, Wave Goodbye
Count Basie ~ Plymouth Rock
Shakira ~ Objection
Garbage ~ Run Baby Run
Terrorvision ~ Surrender
Sinatra ~ You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To
Tanita Tikaram ~ Good Tradition
Halestorm ~ Bet U Wished You Had Me Back
Shania Twain ~ Waiter! Bring Me Water
Gina Sicilia ~ Pushover
Patti Smith Group ~ Because The Night
JET ~ Cold Hard Bitch

Seasons Greetings from all at Rocket & Roses Vegan Kitchen
We wish fun, love & happiness this holiday season.
Yes...I can put it off no longer and I have to acknowledge the holidays are upon us. And for those of you who follow regularly you will know for us it isn't a religious celebration. I was brought up in a house that celebrated Christmas for very different was about cherishing the family and friends that are in your life. It was a celebration of love for each other. So we had the tree, the decorations and the presents and the meals.

Sadly this year ML & I aren't participating in any of it but for very personal reasons and they shall remain private. But that doesn't stop me wishing you all the very best of seasons matter what religion or beliefs you follow. Respect and love is being sent out to you all.

And as this is a food blog I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane with you and repost some of my personal favourite Holiday Dishes...

Rocket and Roses Roasted Chestnut & Brusselsprout Pate
with Christmas Tree Toasts

I couldn't get enough of this when I created it. lol.
Rich, creamy and satisfying.

Susan V's Thanksgiving (GF & Vegan) Loaf

Can't thank Susan V from enough
for this recipe. It's delicious and easy to make. And served
on a platter plate surrounded by has the Wow factor.

Festive Carrot Soup with Sesame Star Croutons
A light and delicious starter or with extra croutons
a great tasty.
 Happy Holidays folks...I hope you
all make it through the next few
days with many smiles and as little
heartaches as possible.....~R~

Saturday 22 December 2012

Art: Tom Fleming

Rocket & Roses HQ Playlist:

Crowded House ~ Not The Girl You Think You Are
David Bowie ~ Absolute Beginners
Nickelback ~ Far Away
Don Williams ~ All I'm Missing Is You
Garbage ~ So Like A Rose
Sara Sant'Ambrogio ~ Duet from Lakme
Norah Jones ~ Seven Years
Beulah ~ Sweet Kinda Something
Foo Fighters ~ M.I.A
Nickelback ~ If Today Was Your Last Day
MSG ~ Transit
Doris Day ~ Bewitched
Natalie Merchant ~ Break Your Heart
Nerina Pallot ~ Someday Soon

Hello folks...I hope the holiday season isn't being too harsh on you and you are able to retain a smile or two? lol.

Now you would think a person who has been on bed rest for the last two weeks I would be rested...peaceful even. But no...going out of my freaking mind would be more accurate. lol. But yesterday I managed a half day downstairs and with the imminent arrival of M & N, I'm hoping I'll achieve a full day today. So sorry for not being around in the last week but your constant support and messages mean a lot. Thank you.

Yesterday was the first real day that I was back online and attempting to do regular stuff and during those moments I found the artwork/illustrations by Tom Fleming. I had never heard of him or his work before but I was instantly taken by it and found myself searching out as much as I So taken by these particular pieces I felt the need to share them with you whilst the rest of the world is going Holidays mad...I thought I'd share some art instead. lol.

Remember when this used to be a food blog?? lol Yes me too..and I promise I'll bring that back to you one day soon...

So first piece...

by Tom Fleming.
This is the first piece I saw...just love it. Can't find adequate

by Tom Fleming
This piece really spoke to me...I loved the completely 'lost in something' way she is moving her body and the use of colour and detail.

by Tom Fleming
Just beautiful. (And no I have never claimed to be a wordy art critic...I just know what I like! lol)

by Tom Fleming
As a writer and being very in touch with my imagination lol I fell for this piece instantly.

by Tom Fleming
I would love each of these pieces on the walls of my workroom. I would draw great inspiration from each piece. Seriously talented guy this Mr Fleming, eh? lol

The last piece was one that I found much later...and was taken with the depth of colour and beauty of creative mind instantly started forming a story around her..building a her Couldn't find a name for this piece so if you are familiar with Flemings work and know it...please drop me a line and I'll update the posting.

Artist: Tom Fleming
Exquisite! No?

For more information and access to more of Tom Flemings work visit his website 

So I am away to watch much beloved M & N decorate Christmas cookies, play Santa Claus and just generally enjoy all hugs and snuggles. I love being an

Thanks for stopping by and I truly hope this weekend is a great one for you matter what your plans are.


Friday 14 December 2012

Finally some Good News to share...

Image not my creation so therefore take no credit for it. Found online. my loyal followers of this little blog of mine. I finally have some good strike that...I have some great, awesome, fantastic news to share with you all. About bloody time isn't it? Can't thank you enough for sticking with me throughout the trials I've been through in the last year...I do promise a food based blog as soon as I can...anyway...

A few months ago I was told by the medical professionals in my life that I was on the speed track to going blind. I was told that it would most definitely happen within the near future or even overnight. I was told the blood vessels behind my eyes were shot and I could even lose sight overnight. So their advice was...find acceptance of this and prepare yourself and loved ones. Which is exactly what I/We did.

It was a hard thought to deal with...although I was very positive when I shared the news with the people I loved. Told them the truth of the situation but was quick to say...No really it will be okay...but inside I was a mess of doubt and concern. And finally I did find the quiet acceptance of the situation. I think everyone else just went into a form of denial which I did understand.

Then yesterday I had 'the' appointment with the top eye doc near me. It was almost a done deal that this appointment was simply for him to tell me how bad they bad they had gotten and how long I had left before the big lights and pictures out moment. So it was with a very anxious and heavy heart I sat through the tests and then walked into his office.

Now my eye doctor was a warm, friendly and lovely man. Maybe I am just jaded these days after seeing so many doctors with that whole God complex going Anyway...

He told me that I wasn't going blind...or even beginning to lose my sight. I did have a condition that with extreme care for my eyes and a permanent daily treatment I could be back to almost normal vision within a year. But stated...Red you are not losing your sight..not on my watch!

I cannot begin to tell you how happy I was in this moment...we talked it through and he was going to 'throttle' the doctors who had taken it upon themselves to misdiagnose the damage to my eyes. He was one seriously furious doctor...

I AM NOT GOING BLIND! I spent last night floating on a cloud of happiness and it was so good to finally share some good medical news with my loved ones. And this is why I've taken the decision to share it with you folks have been there for some of the not so good it has brought me great pleasure to bring you this good news today.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope your weekend is going to be fantastic for you all...

Love ~R~

Wednesday 12 December 2012

A little glitch in my system...

Hello issues are kicking my ass this week. So having to take some time out which is driving me you can imagine. But I hope to be back soon in the next couple of days.

Thank you for staying loyal and stopping by..and I hope that your week is  a great one so far?


Friday 7 December 2012

Music Loves: Little Angels & Skin 2012 Tour

Rocket & Roses Car Play List:

The Black Keys ~ El Camino Album

Last night I finally made good on a promise I made to my kid brother 18 years ago. However I must add that it wasn't me that held up the making Many years ago a friend and I used to avidly follow a local rock band called Little Angels. Now they supported Bon Jovi and many other good rock bands. But after a few albums and many years touring they called it quits and went their separate ways after playing The Royal Albert Hall, London. My kid brother who was only in single digits then was gutted as he really loved them too and hoped to one day see them live..after hearing about all our tales of going to see them. I made a promise to him at the time if the Little Angels ever reformed and toured...we would go see them together.

For years it seemed to be a promise I would never fulfil. My kid bro grew up to be a major music fan and Little Angels always held a special place in his heart. So when he turned up at our house with news of a rumour that they may be reforming to play Download this year, it was a happy day. We couldn't make it to Download but there was the hope they would do a small tour together. And then this was announced....

We were beyond
Not only were they touring...their support act was going to be one of my all time favourite rock bands and singer. I love them. So tickets were purchased in the hope that I would be feeling much better when it came to the time of the gig.

OK so I failed miserably at the hope of feeling better as I am currently feeling worse than I ever have. Making it to the venue alone was a trial, with accidents and bad weather holding everything up. But I did make it...and thanks to a very kind and lovely security guy who took me in the back way, through the back stage area...chose the best view in the venue for me and got me a comfy high stool to sit on..I made it through the entire gig. Thank you fella..I wish we'd gotten your name because you really did rock!

Now the first support act were a band from Ireland...and both of us agreed they were probably a lot better than they sounded last night. But personally I felt their songs were a little too a like and the singer mumbled into the microphone so the lyrics was lost too. Shame because they really put in a great effort...didn't even catch their band name.

Then these very excellent guys blasted onto the stage....

SKIN...oh my good lol
There is just never enough time with theses guys. Even when they are's always over too soon. They come on stage and whip you up with great classic rock tunes...mellow you out a few times with heartfelt ballads and whip you up again until they are way taking a bow and leaving the stage. Nev aka rock god...has one of the best voices in the business and it's a pure pleasure to listen to him..and the band as a whole are tight and in my kid bros words....They are outstanding!!!

They played all my favourite tunes so when they did leave the stage...I was so blissfully exhausted. lol. When the intro for this tune played I of Love...I really hope they continue to get together and do would be a sadder place without them.

Then it was the painful waiting for the next It was great to see so many Angel 'lifers' in the audience below. Some I recognised from past gigs...but also the many younger fans..which was delightful to see they still had new fans joining even today.

Little Angels ~ Mark P, Mark R, Toby, Jim and Bruce

The boys came out onto the stage with the same energy that they did many years before And yes, they did look a little older but then didn't we all? Gone was Bruce's mop of curls but his flares remained. Mark P was rocking the stylish older rocker and Jim was most definitely greyer. Toby still had his mane of hair and although commented about his old knees he still managed to bounce across the stage a couple of times with Bruce lol. Mark R had the biggest transformation as he had morphed into a chap called Dom..who was an incredible drummer.

They all had smiles...all seemed to be astounded that the fans would once again show up for them...after 18 years. But there we were and they really did put on a show as they blasted and rocked their way through a good selection of their greatest tunes. There was a *gulp* moment when they dedicated Don't Prey For Me to their original drummer Michael Lee who had passed away. But that is the beauty of the Angels...their tunes all tell tales and can lift you up and hold you as you ride the emotive tunes and lyrics and then have you screaming/shouting/singing with them on the next tune. I had no voice left by the end of the night...but really couldn't

The boys back in the day ~ Mark P, Bruce, Micheal, Toby and Jim.
Don't they look young? lol

At one point in my life I would've have had tickets to almost every show on the tour and put my life on hold to follow them around. But I wasn't a groupie before you jump to that conclusion! For me it's always been about the music..not clocking up notches! And for this reason, that is why the main reason I was so happy to see them again, was for the very excellent lead guitarist Bruce John Dickinson. He was, for me, always 'Little Angels'...and I greatly enjoyed the band he formed after the Angels split. So it was great to see him enjoying himself on stage and smiling.

Bruce back in the day...he came on stage with
this guitar...I was so happy to see both
I respect and enjoy all the other members of the band and it really was great to see them all..but it was Bruce and the deep smile he was wearing for most of the show that will be the thing I remember most... 

Bruce on the Little Angels website.
And although all the above made for a great evening...the high point was watching my kid bro's reaction when the Angels finally came on the stage and kicked off the gig. Priceless and it was worth all the pain and yuck I am going through today whilst recovering from doing something that I really shouldn't have attempted. But dammit..I made a promise and I was going to keep it. lol.

Now I've been peeking into Youtube for some clips from last nights gig...and so far only come up with these...but thank you to whomever is responsible for the sharing of them.

The start of the show....She's A Little Angel.....and of course..the Jaws

Part of one of my all time fave tunes...Boneyard...when the intro started up..I died. lol. So happy.

And the Angels classic....Too Much, Too had to be done and enjoyed. Thanks guys.

So a huge thank you to all of the guys for doing the ML for being our chauffeur...the security guard at Rock City for his kindness...and for my kid brother for never stopping believing they would reform and we would get our chance to see them together.

Thanks for stopping by and listening to the ramblings of this slowly ageing rock chick (hey I'm only 40!) and I hope your weekend is filled with fun and happiness...


NB: Photos where all found online so they are not my creation and I take no credit for them but send out many thanks to those that did. And also the clips from the gigs are thanks to Neodirewolf007 via YouTube...thank you.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Art: Abbey Watkins ~ Illustrations

Rocket & Roses Play List:

The Gossip ~ Four Lettered Word
Brandi Carlile ~ Keep Your Heart Young
Dana Glover ~ Thinking Over
Ruqayyah ~ Turkish Coffee
Chris Cornell ~ Can't Change Me
The Blow ~ Bump It
Adam Ant ~ Puss N Boots
Dani Wilde ~ Crazy World
Muse ~ Time Is Running Out
Shania Twain ~ Ain't No Particular Way
Emma Bunton ~ Cricket Song for AnaMaria
Zac Brown Band ~ Let It Go
Xtina ~ Fighter
Brandi Carlile ~ Looking Out

Today I experienced one of those blinding of those moments when a piece of Art strikes you so deeply that you cannot talk..but just stand/sit there in silence as you are drawn further into the piece.

Until today I had never heard of the artist Abbey Watkins and now that I have I shall be following her work more closely. To see more of her work simply click here...

And the piece responsible for this today is....

Abbey Watkins ~ Confuse the Spirit

Maybe it's because I am going through major changes in my life right now...but I could feel the pull on a deeply emotional level. I found the eyes to be intoxicating...all the layers of feeling flowing through them. And I thought it was just simply beautiful.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your week is going well...and you enjoyed the Art...


Sunday 2 December 2012

Sunday Song: Smile

Today's post is brought to you by the song Smile....

Lichtenstein's Crying Girl
Words by John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons
Music by Charlie Chaplin

Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness

Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile
And to listen to this heart beautiful song, here is a link to my preferred version...the very excellent Nat King Cole...
Thanks for stopping by......I hope your Sunday is filled with happiness and laughter...
NB: Image is not my own and I take no credit for it at all. Image was found during an online search.